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Recycling is one of the simplest and most rewarding daily activities we can carry out. 

So much so that any member of the family can participate, even the youngest members of the household. Encourage your sons and daughters to practice it, learning and fun go hand in hand!

Despite the fact that human beings are responsible for producing a large amount of waste, it seems that sometimes we are still reluctant to recycle. In this way, the only thing we achieve is to harm ourselves and the environment, both in the short term and in the future of those to come. For any mother or father, this is a worrying question: Have you ever wondered what kind of planet your children will find in a few years?
This small gesture, which is part of practicing responsible consumption, will ensure that our future generations will be able to enjoy a green and blue planet.

Reasons why it is important to recycle

All the cities of our country provide us with containers where we can introduce every kind of waste, whether it is organic, paper, plastic, or glass. There are also clean points where you can bring objects such as household appliances or wood.
On the other hand, you can place containers in your home to facilitate the correct recycling of the products consumed and help develop a correct education in the whole family, as well as a change of awareness in the people around us.

The impact of recycling is very profound, here are several reasons why it would be good to practice it every day:

  •  Saving energy and fighting climate change
  • Less energy consumption. Recycling reduces the work involved in extracting, transporting, and processing new raw materials, which leads to a significant reduction in the use of the energy required to carry out these processes.
  • Less CO2 in the atmosphere. Less energy consumption generates less CO2 and reduces the greenhouse effect. In other words, recycling at home means helping the planet and contributing to the fight against climate change.
  • Less air pollution. This is an important point if we pay attention to the relationship between air quality and health. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), our cardiovascular and respiratory health will be better the lower the level of this type of pollution. Something to keep in mind if we think about the type of air that our children breathe when they play in the parks or the streets of big cities.
  • We use fewer raw materials: If we recycle glass, paper, or plastic, there is no longer any need to use so many new raw materials to manufacture products. In this way, we will save a significant amount of natural resources and we will conserve, among other things, our forests, the so-called lungs of the planet, whose work is essential to decontaminate the environment.
  • We manufacture new products: Through recycling, new products are created. Even if you have never stopped to think about it, there are everyday objects that are born from recycling:
  • Many shoeboxes have their origin in tetra bricks, a tire rim can be made from those same soda cans you keep in your refrigerator, and that fleece lining that keeps you so warm has its origin in PET plastic bottles. Tell your kids about it and make them curious about the world of recycling! Keep in mind that these products require less water and energy, and generate less pollution during the manufacturing process.
  • The birth of ecodesign. There are many companies that have implemented eco-design with the aim of designing, but respecting the environment. They even reuse objects as diverse as traffic signs or tires and give them a totally different use.
  • We create jobs: Recycling at home means preserving the environment and something as important as helping to create and maintain jobs. Because the waste recycling process needs companies and workers to collect the different materials and classify them.
  • We preserve the environment:
  • The dumping of household garbage or waste from industry, such as textile dyes or agricultural chemicals, is contributing to the pollution of some of the planet’s rivers, depleting their natural wealth and destroying the habitats of many species. It is vital to act responsibly.
  • For example, if we recycle:
    • The industry pollutes the air less by reducing the amount of greenhouse gas emissions.
    • We protect our soils because the waste goes to the right place and does not accumulate in the waters of our rivers and seas.
    • By using organic waste to compost our gardens or crops, we avoid chemical fertilizers.
    • We are also protecting our aquifers and preserving the natural habitat of many species.
  • According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO):
    • A tree can annually capture up to 150 kg of CO2.
    • Forests act as filters for small urban particles.
    • Large areas of trees and vegetation moderate climate change.

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